Work process


Client Request


Planning is a key stage of products development. Based on the epic and user-story created at meeting , we prepare a technical specification for building up UX (business Canvas Model and user-flow) and for developing the necessary functionality.

At the next step we build a road map for the product’s movement, depends on the tasks: development, promotion, full or partial support. After that, our experts make a more detailed estimate, breaking the development on sprints and releases. The basic project’s plan is approving by the client.




For best result and our client’s satisfaction we plan all details in project. Persona creation, user journey creation, user-flow creation, mockup’s preparation and user interface realization – these steps are necessary for reach goals which are for the project has been identified.

We use modern technologies for development process, moreover each new functionality is thoroughly tested. Using agile-methodology allows you to move quickly while maintaining the maximum quality of the product.




When everything is ready, you need to make sure that your product will became well-known by your clients. The WBE team knows how to effectively promote not only start-ups, but also existing projects on the Internet. We use only proven promotion tools for analytics and research, Digital Marketing, CRM-systems.

Our cooperation does not end at the moment when your project appeared on the Internet. We continue to develop the product, adding new improvements and making the necessary adjustments. Our team provides full technical support for the product throughout our communication also.

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